Smart Collections Query Language is a powerful tool that allows you to build customized collections in your Bookmark library. With the ability to create advanced filter rules based on specific properties of your bookmarks, you can automate the organization of your library to suit your individual needs. The best part? Smart Collections work in the background, updating your collections automatically as you add new bookmarks. This guide will walk you through the basics of how to use this feature.

Understanding Properties and Operators

The Smart Collections Query Language uses properties and operators to create filter rules for your collections.


Properties represent the different attributes of your bookmarks. You can use these properties to create filter rules for your collections.

Here are the properties you can use:


Operators are used to specify the kind of relationship between the property and the value you're searching for.

These are the operators you can use:

Examples of Using Smart Collections Query Language

Here are some examples of how you can use this query language:

text contains "foo bar"
title is "foo bar"
content contains "foo bar"
domain is "" or domain is ""
content does not contain "foo does not contain bar" and title is not "Foo is not Bar"
domain contains "" or not (title is "Foo Bar" or (tag is in "Baz, Qux" and tag is not in "Quux, Corge"))

Auto-Updating Collections

The best thing about Smart Collections is they work automatically in the background. When you create or modify a smart query, your collection updates instantly to reflect these changes. But that's not all! Any new bookmarks you add in the future that match your smart queries will also be automatically added to your collections. This means you set up your smart queries once, and your collections will keep themselves organized over time.

Remember, the key to using Smart Collections Query Language effectively is understanding the structure of your bookmarks and your specific needs. With a bit of practice, you'll be creating complex smart queries to automatically organize your bookmarks in no time. Happy organizing!