
The core principles behind the MinMarks service.

No Ads

MinMarks is a user-supported service, and we have no desire or plans to run advertisements or any form of ad-based service. Instead, we'd rather focus on providing a solid user-oriented service that doesn't require us to sell ads or your data.

No Trackers

We don't use any 3rd party tracking services, period. Too often, those services track your activity or carry information about you beyond our control. We don't want to be a part of that, nor do we find it ethical. So instead, we gather statistics internally for two purposes: to share information with you about your account and to capture anonymous information that will help us understand how to improve your service.

Privacy by Default

When you create an account, all privacy features are on by default. That means your information is private from the start, and we won't share it in any way. In addition, future features that may be related to privacy will always default to the "on" state.

Data Freedom

Your information is yours, not ours. So, we make it easier to export your data whenever you want. From inside your account, go to the user menu and choose "Export" to retain or back up your data whenever you want.

Open Web/Indie Web

We support open web and indie web standards and will always try to make working with our service a part of the open web. In addition, we support features such as RSS, microdata, webmentions, and ActivityPub. Some of these features may be available later as we are working on providing them to the service.

User Supported

We want our service to be around for a long time, so we are deliberately not taking money from VC funding and charging a premium fee for some features to enable the long-term viability of the business. We hope you will support us in that endeavor as we build a service that offers better reliability and confidence.